How to choose pork - Ukrprompostach

How to choose pork


Pork is considered to be the less useful meat among the types of meat, but this is not the case. Pork is rich in B vitamins (especially B12), zinc, iron, magnesium, and potassium, while fat contains arachidonic acid, highly unsaturated fatty acids, and selenium. The above properties of pork are indispensable in the fight against bad mood and cardiovascular diseases. Pork contains the amino acid lysine, which is essential for bone formation and the production of antibodies, hormones, and enzymes.

The quality of pork depends largely on feed and livestock growing conditions.


How to choose fresh meat?

  • Take a good look at the color of the meat. Ideally, it should be pink or light red. A dark red, brown, or burgundy color is a sure sign of either the older age of the animal or improper slaughter;
  • In turn, the too-bright color of the meat should alert you. This means that there may be dyes in it;
  • Fat on meat and in layers should be white or creamy. The more yellow and darker shades of fat, the more “adult” the animal were;
  • Little trick: when choosing chilled meat, press on it with your finger. If it is elastic (the pressure hole immediately disappears) and does not stick to your hands, you can safely buy such a product;
  • No wet meat counters. Better to buy lightly dried meat than wet meat.

Always fresh and high-quality meat can be purchased in the stores of the “Ukprompostach” brand network.

Pork shoulder: how to choose

Pork shoulder dishes are quite popular in our country. But before preparing the dish, it is important to choose the right meat. To choose a pork shoulder, you need to pay attention to the color of the flesh. It should not be very dark, but not too light either. The dark color indicates that the meat was taken from an elderly animal and after cooking it will become tough and tasteless. In turn, a too light shade of meat indicates that hormonal preparations were actively used during the cultivation of animals. Therefore, the most optimal choice is the meat of a young animal, the pulp of which is colored in dull shades of red. In this case, the layers of fat should be soft and white.

Pork shoulder is one of the most versatile parts of domestic pig carcass to use. The relatively low content of coarse muscles, adipose connective tissues, as well as the extreme conjugation with most food products makes it possible to use meat in the preparation of a large number of first and second courses, as well as semi-finished meat products and sausages.

However, most often pork shoulder is used boiled, stewed, and fried. The most popular dishes made from this meat are rolls, schnitzels, borscht, and roast. As a separate dish, pork shoulder is usually served with vegetable side dishes, in most cases made from potatoes, cabbage, or legumes.

Pork shoulder in Kiev

Storage of pork shoulder should be carried out in the refrigerator, eating meat within 5-7 days. At the same time, it is not recommended to use sealed containers for storage. To preserve the pork shoulder for a longer period (up to a year), it can be frozen, providing a certain temperature regime — not higher than -18 degrees.

The significant content of many biologically active substances ensures the presence of many useful properties in the pork shoulder even after long heat treatment. In particular, the use of this meat in the underworld nervous excitability improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, stimulates the processes of hematopoiesis, metabolism, the formation of bone and muscle tissue, and when consumed in moderation, it helps to reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood, normalizes the work of the heart and the condition of the blood vessels.


Where to buy pork shovel

To prepare a delicious dish, you must choose high-quality raw materials. “UKRPROMPOSTACH” is one of the largest companies in Ukraine engaged in the production and distribution of meat delicacies. The products of “UKRPROMPOSTACH” are sold at reasonable prices throughout the country.

You can buy pork and other types of meat from UKRPROMPOSTACH in several places:

  • Supermarket;
  • Brand store;
  • Butcher shop;
  • Grocery store.

“UKRPROMPOSTACH” branded stores are a reliable place to buy meat products and delicacies. Eat only quality foods and contact reliable suppliers.