Topmost useless things taking place in the kitchen - Ukrprompostach

Topmost useless things taking place in the kitchen


As with any kitchen gadget, ask yourself if you really can’t do without it before buying anything. We are sure that the answer to the majority will not be.

We always think that additional devices will help make the kitchen optimized and the cooking process faster. However, in the end, we still use the devices that we used before buying the gadget.

So try to apply this rule. If you’re looking to buy a new kitchen appliance, consider how many different types of food you frequently consume you can apply it. If it’s up to 2-4, it’s a waste of money. If you can use it for more groceries, consider if there is room in your home. And only after that — buy a gadget.

In this article, we have collected for you the top of those goods that can often be found in the homes of Ukrainians, but they are of little use. Perhaps the list will include those that are in your home. Let’s check how well the space is organized in your kitchen.


Green scissors

Why buy herb scissors when you have regular kitchen scissors? Oh yes, this will greatly speed up the slicing process and make every piece of onion or parsley even. Is not it so?

No! It is unlikely that all the greens need to be cut into such small pieces. And not so often do you need to grind something to buy a separate device for this.

Also, this type of scissors very quickly loses its sharpness and becomes a refuge for a large number of microbes that accumulate in each fold with blades.


Bow gadget

What people can’t think of is to cutting the onion faster and depriving themselves of tears. Oh yeah! But such a gadget, supposedly helping to cut a vegetable faster, is by no means an option. Indeed, over time, sharp edges become dull and only make the cutting process impossible. You will not be able to sharpen them, and therefore you will either have to buy a new device or learn to work with a knife.

What can really help you avoid tears from onions is a cold knife. It will slow down the reaction of the release of lacrimators. But you need to cut quickly while the blade is still at the right temperature.


Separator for yolk

Breaking an egg and separating the whites from the yolks by moving the yolk between the shells is difficult. But even if it is difficult for you, you do not need to buy an additional gadget for the yolk because a plastic die can easily cope with this.



Most people with a juicer at home do not use it daily. And rightly so! Firstly, this is a rather time-consuming business. After all, after squeezing out, this whole gadget still needs to be washed. Secondly, the size of the juicer is terrific. Not every kitchen has a place for such a large machine. Thirdly, drinking juice is not such a healthy habit. Throwing away fruit cake, you deprive your body of a precious material — fiber. That is, pure fructose remains in your juice.


Form for a shirred eggs

For several years now, poached been perhaps the most popular form of egg preparation. And for a good reason, because the liquid yolk is like an additional sauce for a dish. But preparing poached poultry correctly is also a task. So the inventors had no choice but to help people cook it as tasty and correct as served in restaurants. The only problem is that this invention does not allow to cook poached in the least. He just boils an egg of a strange shape, which, moreover, has the yolk seldom the right consistency.

The peculiarity of poached poultry is that the protein wraps around the yolk from all sides almost evenly, and therefore, cutting the egg, the entire yolk flows out, unlike the yolk, which is made in a miracle gadget.

If you want to learn how to make poached eggs, use a little vinegar, a saucepan, and the proper water temperature.


Duck utensils

This large vessel is designed to cook a whole chicken, duck, turkey, rabbit, etc. That is, baking potatoes or a pie in it is not an option. At least because it is deep enough, the products will be stewed or cooked and not baked. And as a maximum, it is pretty heavy, so it is not easy to work with it.

Let’s think about how often we cook a whole chicken or another poultry carcass in the oven? Perhaps not so often as to buy a separate vessel that can easily replace a regular baking dish.