Popular food bloggers you are not subscribed to yet - Ukrprompostach

Popular food bloggers you are not subscribed to yet


If you love cooking, then you know for sure about such channels as “Tasty” (the most significant food channel with over 19 million subscriptions), “Bon Appetit” (6 million), the channel of the chef Jamie Oliver (5 million), and how without Gordon Ramsay (15 million). However, today we will share some food bloggers you may not know. They’re just as interesting to follow as celebrities. However, their audience is not yet large enough to make them the top-ranked in their category.


Deliciously Ella

Ella Woodward launched her blog back in 2012. Her way started with a need to eat healthily and has grown into a hobby that brings a lot of money. Now her business is Instagram and a mobile application, cookbooks, and even her snacks.



Epic Meal Time

The history of this channel stretches back to 2010. A couple of Canadian friends founded it. After hundreds of fatty and high-calorie burgers, several dozen liters of alcohol, and after years of fruitful work on the channel, they managed to turn it into a global brand. Now their audience on Youtube has almost 7 million followers.



How to Cook That

This blog is for all connoisseurs of sweets. After all, Ann Reardon shares creative and very colorful recipes for cakes, cookies, sweets, and other desserts. The peculiarity of the channel is that, in addition to the portion of inspiration that you receive, you can easily repeat each recipe. After all, the author pays a lot of attention to details and shares them with all of them.



Laura in the Kitchen

A natural paradise for those who love Italian cuisine. Here you will find recipes for Neapolitan pizza, pasta with Parmigiano, and cannelloni with spinach. Moreover, each video is filmed as if you have already visited Italy. A homely, cozy, and valuable channel from a native Italian now living in the USA.



Binging With Babish

And finally, the most interactive culinary content on the list is the channel that prepares food from popular movies. Recently, there was even a video with a recipe for cookies from the TV series “Squid Game.”

In addition, the videos were shot with the highest quality. After a minute of viewing, you will already see that you have included a movie and not just a video on Youtube. And all thanks to the skill of the author of the blog Andrew Riem, who is also a famous American director.
