What fruits to balance meat with? - Ukrprompostach

What fruits to balance meat with?



Feel free to experiment. After all, the most interesting thing in cooking is that you can find completely unexpected combinations of ingredients for yourself that you did not pin much hope on. For example, in our stores, you can find sauces with apricot, honey, or orange. It would seem, how can you combine meat and sweets? And we will tell you — easy. Especially if you have cheat sheets that will help you not to make mistakes with combinations. So here are some quick tips so you have more courage to experiment with food and discover new flavors.


Chicken + mango

This is one of the most common examples of combinations that always work well. When you try a dish with such a mix, you don’t even immediately realize that it is mango. Sometimes it seems like it’s just yellow pepper.


Chicken + pineapple

Teriyaki recipes traditionally include a mix of sweet and salty flavors, so the use of pineapple in the mix is ​​common. This is not a traditional version of teriyaki chicken, but it is often found in oriental restaurants.


Prosciutto + melon

This is the perfect combination of tender dry-cured meat and unobtrusive fruit. Most often, they can be found together in appetizers: bruschetta, baskets, or salads.


Industrial breast + cranberry

This mix is ​​often found in main dishes. In particular, cranberries are served in a sauce or jam format. It has a rather sour taste, but at the same time, it balances the aroma of the bird well and adds an interesting taste.


Шинка + брі + груша

Ох, це тріо чудово доповнює одне одного у форматі піци. А якщо ще й додати фісташки — це буде ідеальна страва, яка здивує навіть найвибагливішого гурмана.


Beefsteak + chimichurri + pineapple

If you only tried beef steak with Latin American piquant sauce and pineapple salsa, you could never forget the taste again. After all, such a combination of sweet, spicy, and smoky makes the dish almost an example of haute cuisine.


Pork + apple

Imagine that baked apples can complement not only a stew of pork but also meatballs that are familiar to us. Only together it will not be a banal snack, but a full-fledged gourmet dish, to which you must open a bottle of sparkling wine.

Chicken + orange

Imagine that baked apples can complement not only a stew of pork but also meatballs that are familiar to us. Only together it will not be a banal snack, but a full-fledged gourmet dish, to which you must open a bottle of sparkling wine.


No matter how you combine the ingredients, remember that there are no rules, there is only your imagination and the ability to find interesting combinations in food. So, the most daring gourmets of “UPP” love to add our hot sauces with mustard and honey to smoked sausages. Or to the ribs — cranberries or a sprig of thyme. There can be many such experiments, the main thing is not to be afraid to try.