How to choose meat for a picnic? - Ukrprompostach

How to choose meat for a picnic?


There is nothing easier than grilling meat. But only when you are 100% sure that you have chosen the right and good meat. After all, the choice of meat depends on how satisfied your guests will be. Therefore, today we are sharing our advice on how to choose meat for a picnic for demanding and not-so guests.


Classic — barbecue

We have already told you how to cook barbecue. And today we will tell you how to choose the perfect meat. For pork kebabs, we advise:

  1. Look for freshly chilled meat. Because it will be tender and juicy;
  2. Pay attention to the fatty layers in the meat: if they are yellow, this means that the animal was old, and therefore the meat will be tough;
  3. Choose meat with fat, it is he who will help make the pieces juicy. Fat in meat should be 10-20%. This amount of fat is stored in the shoulder blade, ham, and neck;


For those who like to gnaw bones

Connoisseurs of bones are much less numerous than kebabs, but for such guests, we advise you to take a closer look at pork ribs or chicken wings. This is the perfect bone-in meat format that can be easily grilled.

The recipe was written here. To find the perfect grill ribs, there are a few things to consider:

  1. The age of the animal. Look for young meat, which also has a characteristic thin and white fat color;
  2. Elasticity. Try to press the meat, if a hole has formed and the previous shape returns, then they are not fresh;
  3. Smell. If the product is fresh, then you will not feel ammonia or rot, fresh meat even has a slightly sweetish smell;
  4. The size. The ribs for baking on the grill should be small, but meaty so that they bake well and do not create additional hassle during a picnic. Best suited with pork brisket.

To find the perfect chicken wings for grilling, consider the following:

  1. Choose a phalanx wing, it’s the perfect picnic format;
  2. In no case should there be dark spots, scratches, or bruises on chicken wings;
  3. Do not buy wings that are too large, this may indicate that the chicken was fed with chemical feed. The normal wing size with phalanx is about 12 cm;
  4. Smell the meat, it shouldn’t smell sour;


Diet meat

Every year, the trend for proper nutrition only grows, and with it the trend for more dietary types of meat and the method of its preparation. Therefore, if you are going on a picnic with gourmets who follow this trend, we advise you to pay attention to the turkey fillet. It is this meat that is one of the most dietary and balanced in composition. And here’s how to choose a turkey for a picnic, read below:

  1. The light pink color of meat indicates quality and less protein, but more fat. The pinker the color, the more dietary the meat;
  2. Pay attention to the presence of cartilage (in an adult bird, the cartilage gradually decreases and turns into bone), so the cartilage indicates the meat of a young animal;
  3. The surface of the piece should be free of stains, dents, bruises, and mucus. It should be moist and shiny. If the fillet is without shine, and the top shell begins to dry out, this indicates that the piece has been stored on the counter for a long time.

The ability to choose good meat is the basis of the basics because it depends on how tasty the dish will be, not only on the grill but also during cooking at home. In order not to spend a lot of time searching and be sure of the quality of the meat, we advise you to buy it only from trusted manufacturers.

We deliver pork, turkey, and now chicken to our brand stores every day. Therefore, you can always be sure of the freshness of the product and the quality of the meat.