Best pork spices - Ukrprompostach

Best pork spices


Ready-made meat condiments usually include many extra ingredients. For example, note that the first ingredient in most condiments is salt. So you pay not just for the grass, but for the cheap salt, which is often more than you need. So the best flavor for meat will always be the one you pick. In order not to make a mistake with the combination of spices, we have written for you a list of those plants that fit perfectly with each other and perfectly with pork.


Scented pepper

It’s called fragrant for a reason. If you take a good sniff of freshly ground pepper, you might think it’s cinnamon and nutmeg. But that’s not true. The peculiarity of the pepper is that it gives the dishes a complex and spicy smell, which includes notes of other scented spices, sometimes even cloves. Therefore, it will perfectly supplement pork cooked on a grill or in an oven, giving it a rich flavour.


Cumin seeds

It’s a pretty bright spice that doesn’t like to compete with others. Therefore, it is better to use pork as its condiment, together with salt or pepper. Tmin is perfect for pork mince. That’s why meat buns are often sprinkled with cumin. It increases the taste of meat and makes it more interesting. In addition, cumin is well-matched with Loin or Tenderloin.



The root of ginger is often associated with Asian cuisine, but that does not mean that it should not be used in our usual recipes for pork. Fresh ginger can have a very “hot” taste, therefore it is better to use dry ground ginger for roast meat.



Garlic serves as a universal background note for all pork dishes. However, like fresh ginger, it has a very bright flavour. Therefore, it is better to use dry garlic for cooking or smoking. But if you like the bright smell of garlic, you can always add a slice to the melted butter to fully discover its scent



It’s like a plant made for meat. And if you combine it with garlic, it’s something really special. Besides the fact that rosemary improves the taste of pork, it also adds an unusual herbal and fresh aroma. It’s like you’re making pork in a pine forest. By the way, you can use rosemary both dry and fresh. The scent of this herb will be so bright anyway


Another interesting addition to rosemary is the marjoram. Its aroma is similar to oregano, but it has even softer, sweet, and thin notes. It is easy to combine other spices with marjoram and it is almost impossible to overdo. So if you like the smell of a wild forest, a little freshness, and spice — try to combine this spice with pork stew.



Of course, paprika is a classic. It always gives the dishes an exquisite, smoky taste. But try adding smoked paprika to the pork instead of the usual paprika. It’ll be a double boom. It is especially good to combine smoked paprika with cardamom, ginger, or turmeric.



A plant very familiar to us can add a whole new flavor of pork if used dry. Since parsley has a bright fresh aroma, it is better to combine it with Italian herbs such as marjoram, rosemary, sage, and thyme. Perfect for pasta, pork salad, or quiche.


Lemon pepper

It is not a very popular spice in Ukraine, but it is certainly worthy of attention. The thing about lemon pepper is that it’s both spicy and fresh and a little bit sour. So there are a few flavors in one spice. It is very often used for seafood, but it also fits perfectly with tender and dietary pieces of pork.


Juniper berries

These fruits are used in combination with deer, mutton, and wild boar. And all thanks to a very bright aroma, which allows to balance the smell of game, to add a note of spice and a bit of bitterness. However, try to combine juniper with pork and you will be surprised how refined the taste can get a sufficiently fat meat thanks to the fruit of juniper alone. The best option would be to make a marinade with berries and rub it into a piece of pork just before baking in the oven or grilling.



It is one of the most popular spices to be added to the meat. It is not necessary, because it has a rather delicate but spicy aroma, which only slightly supplements the dish and does not attract much attention. It’s best to use whole-grain mustard in combination with honey to ribs or grill meat.