6 tips to help better cook meat - Ukrprompostach

6 tips to help better cook meat


Sometimes to make delicious meat, it’s not enough just to find a nice, fresh piece. You also have to know how to cook it. But don’t be alarmed! Making meat is no harder than scraping. Just need to know a few secrets to help you do it. We’ll write more about these secrets.


Use a meat thermometer

Even the most experienced housewife can’t know for sure how well the meat is cooked in the oven or on the grill. Because if you’ve cooked pork tenderloins 100 times and you think you know exactly when to turn off the oven, then 101 times something could go wrong. For example, you bought a piece of meat more than usual, which means you need more time to cook. The thermometer helps to cook the meat always successfully and always to the condition that suits you best.


Touch the meat

Banal, but quite a lot of people prepare the meat, mix it in spices or marinade not with their hands, but with spoons or shovels. They say it’s hygienic. However, if you wash your hands well before cooking, there’s nothing wrong with mixing fresh meat with your hands. When you put your hands on it for a long time, the muscle tissue absorbs the taste of the spices much more quickly and becomes much juicier.

By the way, this secret works well with mincemeat. If you have minced meat and you form cutlets with a spoon, they will be dry enough. And if you’ve been mixing with your hands for at least five minutes and forming the balls with your hands, then they’re juicier and better shaped.


Don’t cut off the lard

Usually, pieces that have a lot of lard don’t look tasty or aesthetic. But lard is a treasure for meat because that’s what makes it juicy. It’s not for nothing that one of the best steaks is made out of marble beef, where the fibers of the muscle are surrounded by lard. During the roast, it melts and becomes a kind of conductor of flavor and aroma of seasonings in which the meat was marinated.


Before a roast, make sure that the grill or pan is hot

Don’t put the meat on a cold frying pan, oven, or grill. Because the meat gets heated and not fried, you lose all of its juice. If you put the meat on a hot pan, in a hot oven, or on a hot barbecue, the fibers of the meat will immediately catch and do not let their juice flow out.


Forget about the fork

If you are already roasting meat, do not pierce it with a fork. It would be a real crime against your dish. Because when we pierce pieces, we automatically make holes to drain the juice, and accordingly you lose the moisture that makes the meat tender. It’s better to use a steak fork or a blade for a small piece of meat.


Let the meat rest

Whether it is a steak or just a stew, give it 7-15 min to rest after a high temperature and stabilize the moisture evenly over the whole plane. If the hot meat is cut immediately, all the juice will drain out and it will become hard and dry. The same rule works in the opposite case. Before preparing the meat, take it out of the fridge and let it stay at room temperature for at least 15-20 minutes. Cold meat is not evenly cooked, so it will spoil the general taste of the dish.


Of course, it’s not all the secrets that make juicy and fragrant meat. However, it is they that you should start to get acquainted with the details of meat cooking. And don’t forget, all these advices aren’t gonna help if you haven’t picked too good a meat from the start. Because as we know, bad meat doesn’t save anything, not even very bright spices or some special way to make it.