3 main causes are meat in the morning - Ukrprompostach

3 main causes are meat in the morning


Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. You haven’t eaten for eight hours and you’ve only woken up without energy. It is breakfast that allows you to turn on and feel awake until lunch. So the best thing you can do for yourself in the morning has breakfast. We believe that every person’s healthy diet should be balanced and contain vegetables, fruit, and meat. Although many nutritionists claim that meat is the last product to be eaten in the morning. We will prove otherwise. Read our list of arguments below.


Group b vitamins

Did you know that 100 grams of raw beef mince contain vitamin B12, B3 (niacin), B6, iron, zinc, selenium, and other various vitamins and minerals?

In addition, red meat is a source of other B-group vitamins. In particular thiamine, riboflavin, pantothenate acid, folic acid, niacin, and vitamin B6. And by the way, a lot of people who don’t eat animal food, don’t have vitamins.

“What are the benefits of vitamins in group B”, you ask? It’s simple — they give us energy. So starting the morning with a nutritious breakfast that includes meat, we provide our body with strength and energy for the whole day.



Since meat is a potent source of protein, it allows for long-term saturation of the body, since digestion of the stomach takes much longer than, for example, for cereal. In addition, the protein creates a gradual increase in blood sugar levels over the day, which prevents the thought of eating for a sufficiently long period.



Don’t forget Omega-3, which is in quality meat. When we talk about quality, we mean the meat of an animal that is grazed in the fields, not fed by feed. It is this meat that contains a fairly high concentration of fatty acids, and it is an important structural and functional component of the brain. Omega-3 increases blood flow to the brain and improves mental activity. And a large amount of this in the body supports the prevention of cognitive disorders such as dementia. So, yes, the meat in the morning allows us to «switch on» our brain and maintain its normal work for a long time.


Another important reason that is not included in our TOP 3 is convenience. Because meat is a product with which there are 1000 and 1 ideas for a dish. And that’s an important advantage if you’re in a hurry to work and you don’t have time to think about creating a new morning masterpiece.


For example, you can make pork in the oven while you taking a shower. You only need 20 minutes, spices, and a small piece of tenderloin. Alternatively, add a roast sausage to the fresh tomatoes, peppers, and eggs. And better yet, and faster — boil sausages or vegetable salad, a slice of whole-grain bread, and an avocado puree. See, we said there were a lot of ideas about meat! In the case of semi-processed meat, it should be noted that these are quality meat products that are made of natural meat without impurities. It’s the only way you can get the most out of the meat.


So remember: eating meat in the morning is good, but everything has to be balanced. Do not forget to add vegetables, fresh and dried fruit to breakfast except meat. This will give you the right vitamins and energy for a day.